By the guppy
Date: 1 February 2000
strange state of mind
when even the traffic lights find
you wondering about them
blinking confusedly, but consistently
and you winking back at them just to be polite
only at night...
flashes of yellow and red
too many thoughts running circles through your head
one of them is bound to win the race though
and you're hoping it's the happy one
here you are
taco bell is still open, so it can't be all that late
you wouldn't know it though, feels like you've been awake
and staring at traffic lights for the best part of your life
the best part might
just might be yet to come
that appeases you somewhat
slamming down the accelerator now wouldn't do you much good
it's tempting
but who knows
that girl in the beat-up volkswagon next to you could be your future wife
or friend
preferably both
you take a few looks at her and wonder about that for a bit
you also wonder what she's winking at, staring forward like that
chances are she's thinking the same
just trying to be polite
you can hear her foot tapping the accelerator from time to time
and feel her looking at you
you have a special place in your heart for those lights
your life has come down to needing to get somewhere
the options are: proceed with caution, or don't proceed at all
waiting for the green just isn't an option
too long to wait
too much time to think
gotta move
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