By Misti Velvet Rainwater
Date: 13 April 2000

A Rorschach That Resembles a Cartwheeling Nymph

everything was hunky dory
a sun spliced half priced category
shelved at random under
Angelic Allegory
my story is not so new
or golden
or green
but I feel like conspiring faeries
have met 'neath a giggling crescent moon
and on a whim crowned me
Miss May Queen
the sheen is silver
and it glows
from my radiant head
to my twinkling toes
'cause he KNOWS me
he KNOWS me!!!
I'm his rosy reason why
and he's my 'licious sweet lovin' guy
HOT DAMN with fudge and whipped cream and a cherry on top!!!
I had a go
and couldn't stop
but the cop didn't know
the hypnotic effect of "Crimson and Clover"
and so the dumb ass
pulled me over
but Grover tells me
it will all fall in line
if I sell a black sheep
and pay the fine

dine with me on puerile hope
and maybe we'll burp
a kaleidoscope

he strained his sarcasm
for my baby teeth
and took away my breath
and formed a wreath

how long will we be lost in this Waterhouse painting?
how long will the love be passionate and starving
but without the tainting?
I'm not complaining
or ranting
or raving
I'm looking at you with laughing eyes
and eagerly waving

come to my shore
and lay me
come to my shore
and lay me
and whisper why
I don't hear
a sound

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