By Ashley Skye
Date: 3 April 2000

Diary of My Night

You call me.
First time in a week.
Say you have been looking for me.
I smile, you can't see it over the phone.
I say let's get together this weekend.
First time in a month.
Friday comes,
I hear from you.
You are bored, want to see me.
We sit here
Watching TV
Talking about life for a little bit.
After awhile it starts
Something that I have tried to avoid,
yet I really would rather not.
We get lost in eachother,
for that time, I feel as though I am lost in a steamy love scene
like those in my favorite movies.
After it is all over
I jump out of the movie screen
and back into my seventeen year old body.
You kiss me on my lips.
We sit here
watching TV
Talking a little.
It gets late
We are burnt
and exhausted.
You have to "get going".
You say you will call.
I smile and shut the door.
We go back to being friends.

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