By Kevin L. Griffin (A.K.A. Passion 8) /
Date: 4 April 2000

Requiem For A Lover

I buried you today, if only in my mind and placed a 
stone at your head. The words inscribed upon its face 
are: “Requiem For A Lover.”

My fingers bled as the earth I moved and wept with 
every grain. I laid you there upon a hill that I may 
always look up and smile.

The time we spent, the rapture we shared shall always 
be remembered, and the memory of you shall always remain 
a constant shadow of my past.

I loved you more than you could possibly know the passion 
that we had. The joys of holding you close to me. Feeling 
your heartbeat next to mine.

Time will heal this pain I bare. I know I will meet another. 
Life goes on and so will love and end this: “Requiem For A Lover.”

                                                   Passion 8

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