Date: 22 October 2000

No Farms, No Food

She pulled into a 5:00 traffic jam directly in front of me.
Instead of honking, I observed. Her identity revealed through the
bumperstickers on her back window, I concluded that she was probably an
ag student, a country girl and horse lover. Her hair was as red as her
Chevy truck. She had it haphazardly clipped in an upward fountain. Then
oblivious to her captive audience, she removed the clip. Hair tumbling to
her shoulders, she shook it free. She slowly scratched her scalp, raking
her fingers from forhead to crown as if to release the day. This cowgirl
was suddenly a beautiful woman. As cars began to inch forward, she gathered
her tresses back into a smooth, thick cord and wound them into a knot.
She slipped the clip back into place and the moment was over.

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