By slug
Date: 6 October 2000
Thank You
I think I've figured it out.
I think I have it all together now.
I understand...
I am honored, and I thank you for the gift...
I understand that were it not for the horror,
the nightmare,
the joke,
the almost-but-not-quite,
I would not be able to recognize this as the gift it is...
he is...
and the ever-so-sad little girl would still be driving north - to where the stars are clearer and the nights are chilly, because the red river is the best place for a second kiss...
and sad girl would still be lonely
and sad girl wouldn't realize that this is something to treasure.
I had to almost lose it all...
I had to know - to KNOW the worst possible scenario for a person.
It had to be real so that he could be real.
It makes sense now,
and I promise not to take him for granted.
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