By Gala
Date: 6 October 2000

You Too...a bump

Oh, you.
Now every stupid love song
I ever tried to forget
is locked firmly in my brain
playing over and over
like a teenybopper rockola from hell.
I'm thinking flavored lip gloss here---
cherry? Coconut? Banana?
And you can melt me
like a twin stick popsicle in a no mercy August
just looking at my mouth,
much less
actually kissing it.
It was a perfectly wretched day
born gray and overcast
and my mood matched it---
then you marched in here
with your personal problem
kissed me breathless
and made me feel the sort of sixteen
when a kiss lasted forever---
or I just wished it would.
and David Cassidy is singing
in my ear
"I think I love you,
but what am i so afraid of,
afraid that I'm not sure of
a love there is no cure for..."
Thanks a lot fella...
Since you're done kissing me,
can I have my gum back?

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