By Crystal
Date: 13 September 2000

Mysterious Feelings

I sometimes wonder...
what it would be like,
to have someone Love me so much,
they would attempt to write what the heart feels,
to never give up on me.
Someone to call everyday and say the words "I Love You"
and know it's the honest truth.
To go somewhere and know that I can do whatever I want,
and they would always forgive me!
   Someone to hold onto me so tightly, never losing their grip...
  when I don't want them to anylonger.
     I wonder if I would be misserable if I knew they cried in the darkness,
        like...a lost soul.
I wonder what it'd feel like to gaze at the sky...
during a meateor shower with someone that could cause alot of problems and I had " NO FEELINGS" for.

  Until now, I never wondered why my world was so small,
only consisting of you!  Needing your words, your touch, your Love...
when those are the things you don't need from me.

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