By Gala
Date: 13 September 2000


I will come to you
and the clothing will not matter,
because this time is deliberate,
heavy with love, and intent
no falling back on
"it just Happened".

I must put aside the modesty
that makes my hands shake,
puts tremble in my lips
and makes your gaze
something tanglible.

I will stand before you
seek your touch
revealed before your eyes
famished for something
that we can only make together.

And there can be no tears--
because this sort of loving
will seal me to your soul
and can only come
of absolute surrender,

I cannot hold to doubt,
must strip my heart to naked
dropping the last veil
and try not to tremble
when your flesh enters mine
and I watch your eyes
as it happens between us
knowing that this can be
but once---
that such love
is god blessed
and what we were meant to do.

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