By terry
Date: 23 September 2000

I Just Can't Sleep

I just can’t sleep
And when I do
My dreams are wearing thin
Ghost images with nothing within
No love
No hope
No you
And I know the night is fading
Into another sleepwalk day
But I can’t convince myself that I care anyway

I just can’t sleep
And when I do
My old ghosts want to walk to speak
Tell me I am a foolish man, much to weak
To love
To hope
To believe in you
That true love is an illusion
A thing to grasp to ward the doubt and confusion

I just can’t sleep
And when I do
Rest comes rarely if at all
And my heart screams its lonely, as the emptiness echoes wall to wall
No warmth
No comfort
No love, no you
And reaching into the fading dark, finding nothing
But my own broken spirit…waiting for the break of day.

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