By Gala
Date: 13 September 2000

Tasting Breath

You always look in my eyes
before our lips touch
defy me to close mine
against the rush of sensation
that sweeps me---
you want to see the pleasure,
the shock,
want to sink into the grey green
so that I will know
who is touching me---
tasting me,
sipping my breath like heady wine
served to compliment the perfect meal,
or cleanse the palatte between courses.
Sweet, moist, drugging
I flow into your arms
without hesistation,
drape myself around you,
lean against you with a soft sigh
and wonder how it is
that your kiss
carries me home
every time,
makes me into someone beautiful,
raises me to passion,
then tucks me sweetly to sleep
warding me from pain or harm.
Oh, this lip on lip,
tender touching
is balm,
sweet elixir
the stuff of alchemy
and the gift that only you can give.
Now then.....again?

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