By terry
Date: 12 September 2000

Warranty Repair (1st Call)

Hey, Fred. Get a load of this one.
Can you believe this crap?
They must think we're frigging miracle workers.
I mean can you imagine the look on this poor guy's mug
When he looked close at the shape this sucker is in.
I bet it was all dolled up and pushed off on him as a 'classic heart' model.
But damn
Can you imagine the miles and troubles this one has seen
Its broken and cabbaged back together in a million places.
Repair shop my ass.
Why don't they just hang God on my nameplate.
If I can get this thing back to a fully functional
Then I deserve the title.

But Fred?
Did you hear what that poor fool said...
Begged the boss to be careful with the way this one is handled.
Called the damn thing 'precious' beyond measure.
And did ya' see how he didn't wanna let loose of it.
Like he thought we'd try to pass off a rebuilt job on him
If this one left his sight.
Well, he'd be lucky if we did do such things.
But Fred?
Did you see the look in his eyes
When he walked it back here to the shop.
Whatcha think causes that shine?
Why do you think he looks at it like he does?
You know Fred.....I'd like to have that look, feel that way sometime.
Wouldn't you?

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