By Katherine
Date: 4 August 2000

Simple Moments

I imagine us on your couch.  Your bare-feet slightly resting on the carpet below. My bare legs folded Indian style beneath me.  My knee rests comfortably on your thigh.  Our shoulders gently touch.  Any stranger could easily identify that when in the same room; it would defy nature for us not to touch.  We share a gooey cheese pizza between us.  The TV rambles in the background; laughter and smiles fill the air.  I feed you small bites of the spicy, cheesy bread.  We kiss between gulps of soda pop.  Upon completion of our meal we find way to become even closer.  The sofa welcomes us to our favorite spoon position... my body fits perfectly in front of yours.  Your arm draped over me.  A movie has now begun to spin on the VCR.  I turn perioticly to kiss your cheek, kiss your lips, kiss your neck.

Ahhhh. The simple moments in life.  How I loved the simple, precious, meaningless moments we shared.   Touching you.  Being touched by you.  Laughing with you. Eating with you.  Sitting next to you. I find it to be truly perplexing- how these short bursts of togetherness, will forever be etched in my heart and soul as priceless.  I would not change them for anything. Not for a trillion dollar lottery ticket. Not for a paid vacation to St Martin.  A simple moment with you fulfills me.  Makes me smile.  Cheers me beyond anything else.

I dream of a life filled with an abundance of these moments.

I love you.

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