By Harem
Date: 7 March 2001

... Trojan Balloons...

TROJAN  BALLOONS ( a true story)

The boys were outside,  the weather quite  sunny.
Playing with balloons,  that looked  very funny.

Their shapes were quite odd,  not oval or round
Noticed their tips,  as they soon hit the ground.

From the window I looked,   I  watched them trod
Their new found toys,  did seem quite odd

I  soon came outside,  for  a better look
At these floating dirigibles,  which I mistook

For party balloons,  for children’s pleasure
To bounce around,  a toyland treasure

I began to blush,  when I soon discovered
The wrappers from which,  had been their cover

They had been ripped,  and thrown to the ground
By the boys who thought,  balloons they had found

The wrapper labels,  in clear blue tint
Said TROJAN,  pre-lubed,  In large plain print

In panic I sought,  to grab  them and hide
My face so red,   so public outside

How can you take,  their toys away
What can you say,  why they can’t play

With their new  balloons,  their Trojan toys
Ultrasensitive ,    for  adult  boys

Without explaining,  with no delay
I quickly deflated,   and threw them away

Where did they come from,  I wondered out loud
How in the yard,  could  they be found ?

I searched around,   and what did I find
Seven more boxes,  of different kinds.

And then the bag,  from whence they came
Some ribbed  and tickly,  and some the same

I carefully counted,  those that remained
Subtracting those,   I had detained

Many were missing,   more than the toys
That had been misused,   by these naughty boys.

So who did they belong to,  from where did they come
Why were some missing,   who was having the fun ?

They boys were quite happy,  to tell me the rest
The treasure they found, in their venture quest

In Daddy’s old truck,  is where they did find
The pretty balloons,  thought he wouldn’t mind.

The cashiers receipt,  was still on the bag
Been had them for months,  and so said the tag

Displaying the condomes,  at dinner that night
Thought Richard would choke,  when he gazed at the sight

Six months had passed ,  since we had made love
The excuses  he had,    was  he hadn’t a glove

To cover himself,  and protect from conception
Evidence of  lies,   a  constant  deception

So, if not with me,  then who was he pleasing
Satisfying them,  but me only  teasing

At first he denied,  his terrible luck
Had no idea,  how they got in his truck

Finally confessing,  after multiple denial
Of many delights,  in adulterous  style

Being the happiest,  woman around
With the most faithful partner,  on earth ever found

Never suspicious,  always believing
Shocked when I found,  that he was deceiving

That night he slept sound,  while I laid awake
Unable to sleep,   my tears filled a lake

How could he rest now,  knowing I knew
How could he slumber,  I knew we were through

An unfaithful mate,   I  could almost forgive
But rejecting my love,   is no way to  live

If Trojan balloons,   helped me to see
The truth of the matter,   was all up to me.


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