By deevaa
Date: 26 March 2001

Web Log: 27.03.2001

Because sometimes we all need an angel...

[Umbras Angel]
painting: deevaa
June 1998

Wind Without

There is a wind blowing outside,
Whipping the treetops to a frenzy of motion.
In the background, the kettle whistles,
Gently boiling,
Oblivious to the storm.
All actions seem empty
as I sit with myself,
toying with vagrant ideas.
My own company has become,
But there are no angels here
to fill the void.
I have spring cleaned my soul,
casting the debris from my mind.
But now I realise
that sometimes a cherished illusion,
is far nicer
than a bleak truth.
The wind is blowing
and the becalmed ocean within me
Is jealous.
words: Umbra

Umbra's words seem fitting today, there is a storm outside my window, yet inside I am calmly waiting. Always counting. I know he'll come.

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