By Harem
Date: 23 March 2001

- The Child - Boy -

I met the Child - Boy Last night.
He's the type of man that the book says I need.
And the kind of guy that I am eventually destined to marry.

But what I need and what I want are often opposed.
Attracted to the domineering, aggressive, assertive, posessive, jealous types.
Always have been, and probably always will be.

This time I will have to fight my natural inclinations
And change my track record.

So,  I met him last night.
The Child - Boy.
The kind you just want to mother.
I guess I could picture him snuggled against my breast.
Gee this is getting to send better than I thought.
Maybe it could work.   Hhmmm

With his  blonde hair, and soft hazel eyes.
Tall and slender.
Certainly not what I am normally attracted to.
But I have to stop those shallow physical urges.

He is around my age.....
Certainly a plus.
Said he'd been to a psychic who predicted that in three years.
In the month of March,  he would meet the woman destined for him.
It was three years ago, that she made this prediction.

She said that this woman  would be a writer, and a poet.
That her eyes would be dark green.
That she would love to dance and be obsessed with dancing.
Everything she predicted, fit me to a tee.

He knew stuff about me, that I had never told him.
I was shocked.
Asking him, how he knew..... he took out a piece of paper.
That had been printed for him three years ago, by the psychic.

It was all there.....
I didn't know wether to shake or cry.
She had written about me..... things that were my hidden secrets.
She even said my astological sign.
She described my likes and dislikes, my attitude, my feelings.
Everything was there.
It was  eery..... spooky......

Only two things didn't fit.
At least at outward appearance it didn't seem to fit.
She even predicted the womans name.
Sadly, he pointed to my attention that the name was wrong.
I had only shared my middle name with him.
And no.... my middle name did not fit her prediction.

The name she predicted  WAS  my  First Name.
When I showed him my drivers license..... he began to cry.
I wasn't sure if that was good or bad.

She predicted that I would be an  EARTH  sign.
Another disappointment for him.
Since,  my sign is  a   WATER  sign.
or at least that is what I told him, and what I go by.
I didn't want to make him cry again.
So I wasn't sure if I should reaveal another secret of mine.

I posted my ad as  my  MOON  sign.
Since I was born on a full Moon.... I would be entirely my moon sign.
And I am.......  in every detail..... it all fits me.....  ENTIRELY
My Sun Sign..... does not describe anything that would fit me.
So the book, says that I need to go entirely by my MOON sign...
And I do.

My sun sign, which is what most  people go by,
is an  EARTH  sign.
Torn with wether to tell him or not.....  I  finally  DID ....

He was totally silent, and just sat and stared at me..
The silence was deafening.
I was silent too.
Finally he spoke.
"I have been waiting three years for you."  was his reply.....
Why did you make me wait three years. "  ? ? ? ?

Darned if I know.....

We talked and talked and talked.......
Eventually begain to touch hands.......
His hands were sweating, mine were cold....
Wonder what that meant ? ??
We parted with a soft kiss and a warm embrace....
He felt like a little boy in my arms....

I left with confused but warm fuzzy feelings......

*** The Child Boy ***


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