By Harem
Date: 21 March 2001

Freshly Poured Champagne

Eyes that sparkle like freshly poured champagne
Radiating the beauty of a child at play
Curious innocence as they peer at me with inquisitive delight

Lips that smile so gently, with elfish charm
Drawing  my lips to them,  with a plaintif  call
Words of truth flow over them, beckoning my ears to listen

Compelling arms that ache to hold and to be held
Strength abounds within him in so many ways
Such as I have never seen nor felt before

Waves of silkened hair frame the beauty of his face
My fingertips are thrilled as I slowly slide them through
My longings are fulfilled

Chest hairs tickle my nose, as I snuggle closer to his chest
It feels so right, so warm,  so close
To be held by someone so special

Physical power which commands my attention
Strength of character which leaves me in awe
Inner discernment and convictions which mesmerize me

His very presence fascinates my entire being
Pleasure abounds when I am near him
Soothing as a rippling stream on a warm summer day

A voice that comforts and lifts the spirit
Sincerity that echos through the caverns of my mind
He applies his phrases like lotion to my soul

I am left hypnotically entranced by Michael
With a smile in my soul, that he has engraved upon my heart


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