Date: 7 March 2001

Close to you

You are there, but you’re not,
I can see you but you can’t see me,
Oh how I long for the time when I can tell you how I feel,
Alas that day I fear will never come.
I try to treat you as you deserve,
No one understands how special you are,
You can light up a dark room with one smile,
And it seems nobody notices but me.
You are the one person I can talk to,
You are the one subject I can’t talk about.
You are white, and your partner is black,
I am gray.
Is it fear, or respect that keeps me from confronting you,
Or could it be that I already know how you feel?
Do I twist my perceptions to make you feel a certain way,
Or could it be that these feelings are genuine?
Is there a possibility of a connection between us?
Is your light at the end of the tunnel waiting for me?
Will I one day become visible to your affectionate eyes?
I sit here and wait in hopes that one day you will truly see me.


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