By distant moon
Date: 7 March 2001

Clouds Below My Eyes

Got my Discover bill today.  
I am officially 500 dollars poorer, but I have nothing to prove that fact.  And by that, I mean, I don't even have the 500 to thank Discover for loaning me the things I gave myself.

Gas to drive to school
Food to not go hungry
Brakes and rotors for my car because people won't check your brakes properly if you TELL them too.

My job isn't a steady income.
The past and present love's of my life are either:

Far away
or "Just want to be friends"

Or worse yet...don't want anything at all...not even friendship.

And that makes me wonder...

Do animals have these kinds of problems?

When the herd has drank from the same waterhole for an entire month.  And the lion, protector, finally comes for his the herd reluctant to pay.  Of course, with that, they pay with their lives.  And yet, they move on, or come back...drinking more.  To survive.

And if they do have these thoughts as well.  Do they wonder if we, as humans, have problems as such?

They probably joke and laugh at one another saying things like, "I bet they hate it when the larger ones eat them."

But do they know?
Should they?

If I were to tell an elephant the problems with the economy and my bank account, would I be making a moot point in doing so.

I think possibly my insanity has filtered through my life far too quickly and entered my writing by hitting it directly at the heart of the problem.

These sentences are simply coming out and not making any sense at all and it is truly bothering me....

I will not let them win
They have my word...or is...or is it their word?

When I cry at night...
Does my pillow weep as well?
Or simply sigh because of the impending clouds below my eyes.

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