By deevaa
Date: 1 March 2001

Day 15 - The wedding anniversary

I can hear the collective question mark hanging in the air.

Today would have been my 6th wedding anniversary.

When I took those vows I thought we'd last forever, I never thought it would end as soon as it did.

My mother was sure he was having an affair, that he'd married me residency and that he didn't really love me.

To hear those words, and from my own Mother, I'd never been so hurt in my life, even my mother didn't think I was worthy to be loved.

The night we first met, in a trendy nightclub in the city. I thought he was flirting with me, but that he didn't really mean what he was saying.

I'd seen him out a few times, and he seemed to have good luck with the ladies, he was damn good looking, he had a beautiful smile, he dressed well, and he could dance. God could he dance. He could have had any girl in the room, why would he be interested in me?

"Is Abdul your boyfriend?"

I blushed and smiled back, my voice almost a whisper in the night club "No."

"Is Osman your boyfriend?"

I looked down at the drink I was cradling and moved my fingers in the wet ring left on the table, then looked up through my lashes at him.


"So how does one apply?"

I laugh, a nervous shaky little laugh.


"To be your boyfriend."

"Dinner and flowers."

"Wednesday night?"

With that phone numbers where exchanged and I disappeared off onto the dance floor, I even remember the song. 'Boombastic' by shaggy.

I didn't think I'd hear from him again.

I was wrong.

Six months after that first meeting this photo was taken.

Believe what you want, but I believe that he was happy and in love. I believe he was meant to be there, that day, with me.

Finally, I am ready to move on. But I move on with no regrets.

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