By ~*BW*~
Date: 18 March 2001

*~*One more day*~*

We struggled through that day
Stayed away from that stupid fad
Walked away, tried to leave,
Forced to come back
By their way of "fun"
Trapped inside their world
We said to each other
We’ll get through this last day.

We strolled down those empty hallways
They were all our memories put together
They kept so many secrets
Had seen so many fights
Heard the coolest songs
Flooded with tears so many times
Stacked books in corners
But now...

They seem so empty
No one slamming locker doors
No one running down the stairs
Only the sound of our footsteps hurrying to the door

We reached our freedom
Collapsed on my bedroom floor
Laughter spilled all over
We wouldn't go back there for a long time
No more worries 
It was like weight removed from our backs
Our eyes still on the TV screen
Like a lion’s on it’s prey
Focused on that lame chick flick
Actually... we were smiling
We were no longer trapped between two worlds,

And our own 

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