By mother_bear
Date: 24 March 2001
Flight Of The Angel
Unfurling my wings
Once held captive by his love
I stagger, struggle to stand
Dripping in his heart’s blood
Hearing loves last words
Continually echo in my ear
My resolve steady
My wings spread to fly
One by one I feel them break
The strings that tie me down
The sun in my face, I soar
Righteous indignation lifting my wings
Hell’s demons circle still
Their entangling snares they do throw
Vainly trying to recapture me
And drag me back down to their torment
But glorious light encircles me
Blinding them in their attempts
I break free of the atmosphere
Heavenly vistas in my sight
Soaring above the carnage
I glimpse the remains of my past
Broken and battered but still alive
My freedom is my ultimate victory
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