By Ali
Date: 21 March 2001

Angels Learn To Fly

Painfull tears, bleeding dry
Empty sorrows, filled with angst
Tired trials, done and redone, lived and relived
Words spoken, yet never heard
Screams falling on deaf ears
And nothing's done, for all's ignored
Reasons unheard for, to some, they matter not
Because, in truth, the outcome is what is feared...
The burden heavy, on shoulders aching
Shared not by the shadows that plague this darkness
The angels weep, for the loss of these things
These things that have slipped away, unnoticed, by most...
And that invisible wound bleeds and bleeds
Growing, day by day
And your lifeforce spurts outs
Like blood from a severed artery...
Choices hang in the air
Suspended, for a time
Damage done and healing hindered
While the injustices done, burn like acid fire
Remind the devils of their due
But, be sure, they'll collect more than they need
Just because they can...
Peace has fled, from this place
But, with this chaos, comes hope
And you can fly away, on hope-brought wings
Because when in doubt, or times of trouble
Angels finally learn to fly...

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