By Echolocation
Date: 11 March 2001

Full Moon

Driving on the highway tonight
For a moment I lost all thought of where I was
As I saw the moon, full, round, golden
Hanging like a luminous threat or a promise in the sky
And I wished with all my heart
That I lived in a time where a full moon
Meant drums and dancing and fertility rites
And subsuming yourself to the will of god and goddess
Man and woman intertwined in a glade
Silvered and sanctified by moonlight
With no thought of anything but Now and This and Yes
Primitive doesn't have to mean lesser
What have we lost by moving so far
From the natural rhythms of the earth and the seasons?
What is there that we no longer know
Having surrendered ourselves to electric light
And the blue glow of the television?
What did they know, those dancers in the moonlight
That we can longer touch?
Mummies buried in concrete and central heating and infomercials
And yet somehow knowing deep within
That the right and proper answer to a full moon
Hanging low and fecund in the sky
Is drums and dancing
And the gift of renewal that we give when we touch each other in love.

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