By B.K.
Date: 15 March 2001

Wish Central to Command Center

Close your eyes, dream I’m
there with my hands on your
body, rubbing, kneading skin
till every muscle relaxes, you
feel as though you are floating
in space. As I rub, kissing your
spine down, down, slowly taking
small bites of your buns as I
reach the bottom, making you laugh,
squeal ouch, I say, ‘Well, I just
wondered what that would taste like,
mmmmmm, Better than chocolate.' (wink)
Since you know that I adore you, intend
on spoiling you to death, then you can
have one wish tonight. Go ahead, this genie
will grant you anything,(well almost) Whisper
in my ear Darlin, Oh yes, my favorite! (Smile)


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