By Star Of David
Date: 7 March 2001

is this love?


In some ways,
You are me.
And I am you.
Not only because we are lovers.
We have the same distant look in our eyes.
The same way of seeming to be in the present moment,
When we are really light years away.
When we are together,
I see our past, present and future in your eyes.
I wonder if you see the same smoke filled look in mine.
We are always close, almost one being,
And at the same time separate.
Each having our own world,
(Finding this one insufficient)
We choose to combine the three worlds,
(This world, your world, and mine)
And make a new world.
Is that the world I see in your eyes?
The one you see in mine?
The one we see in our own eyes,
Each time we come across a mirror?
It scares me (that look),
For I have never seen it in another.
Is this love?

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