By Clear blue sky to your clouds.
Date: 6 March 2001

Just One Of Those Things

I'm sorry I care.
But you see you can't
always hide. I'm sorry
I don't want to see you
fail...and I won't. If
it comes down to it I'll
turn the other way...close
my eyes. Just like you
want. But until that moment
you are going down in flames
I'll cry and I'll ask why.
I'll search for reason in
your ways. Not because I love
you, but because I NEED understanding.
You're one of the only people
I haven't been able to figure
out, and while I have a pretty
good idea, until I have the
courage to say it all to your
face and not hold back for
fear I'll hurt you, I know
I'm not close enough. You
can tell me you're not afraid,
that you don't hide, but I know
this much, you're one good actor.
No matter how much you think
that the answer to everything is
to just shrug it off and claim
'SHIT happens' one of these days
you're going to be SHITLESS...
and scared. I'm sorry I can't
see you how you try to
portray yourself. Because I know
under all that talk and actions,
there's a lonely little boy crying
for someone to pay attention. You can't
be content. You have to be where
you're comfortable, and that's in
same spot you've been in ever since
you broke up with 'her.' Don't
be so quick to deny it...I know
you will, but I can see that she
hurt you more than you want to admit,
at least more than you're willing
to admit to me. You're still
in love with her.  You probably
think I'm crazy and wonder why
I'm going through so much troble,
yet you don't care...right?
I'm sorry I care about you.

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