By Bina
Date: 10 March 2001

If only you could be mine

If, only you could be mine
In my eyes the sun would shine
In my face the moon would glow
If only you could be mine
Though I've waited many long years
But, to this day I face many fears
What haven't I done to win your heart?
But' you were never mine from the start
I always had a broken heart
The more I came near, the more you went far
I now look back and see many tears
Tears of pain, anguish and fear
If only you could be mine
I do know though there's still tomorrow
not every one gets a second chance
In spite of our hair turning grey
We can still clear each other's way
I'll be yours and you be mine
For truth and dare and for ever so fine
If only you could be mine  
If only you could be mine........

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