By Ali
Date: 27 March 2001

Made of Magic

The sea, after a storm, swirling aqua depths
Tiny gold flecks, strewn about
Bottomless caverns, holding countless secrets
Your eyes...
Glowing with warmth, so gentle
Possessing the power to comfort, to soothe
Often burning with desire
Your hands...
Sparkling, shimmering, shining
Playfully laughing, always contagious
Heart-warming, and eye catching
Your smile...
Made of mischief, burning hot
Enticing, beckoning, commanding
Words without speaking
Your glance...
Surrounding me, angel wings
Strong and steady, always
A haven of warmth, a place of love
Your embrace...
Soft and sweet, alway warm and pleasent
Tastes like cinnamon and sugar
Forever seducing me, forever capturing me
Your kiss...
Oh, how it is, that you hold me tight, caught within your charms
Truly there has to be some sweet magic, here
But, I look about and see no cauldron, no tongue of bat, or eye of newt
The only magic that I see, is the inner magic that you posses
That fire in your soul, blazing in your eyes
You, my dear, are made of magic...

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