By Harem
Date: 9 March 2001

A Walk Down Memory Lane

The magical stairs which led to Susan's bedroom
Where She and I had so much fun
Combing and fixing each others hair

The make-up parties, and toenail painting ventures
The powder puff and perfume sharing
Trading jewelry and trying on each others clothes

Looking through glamour magazines
For hairdo ideas.... and clothing fashions
And to look at boys

Talking about boys.... and calling them on the phone.
Something I would have never done on my own.
Giggling.... listening to music...... and teasing Him...

Who's room was directly across from Susans.
Now who could sleep under those circumstances
Yet Susie and I managed to pass out after much to do.

I can still remember Him knocking on Susan's door
Whispering through the keyhole
With his warm sensual  voice.

I never did figure out what he wanted.
We never opened the door
But just giggled and ignored him.

Susan's parents were like Ward and June Cleaver
And He was Wally Cleaver....... in so many ways.
Lean, clean.. with dark hair..and a sexy smile.

So there was an added attraction there for me.
When he was home.... it would make me so nervous.
I think his Mom sensed it.. and would try to get me to relax.

I loved to kiss back in those days... some things never change.
But whenever I would see Him... my lips would tingle.
And my heart would flutter with intense excitement.

I think sometimes I liked it better when he was not there
Because then I could relax and enjoy the comforts of their home
Without the fear of him walking into the room.. and causing me to faint.

But to him.... I was his kid sister's little friend.
I don't believe he ever realized how much of a crush I had on him.
Girls often develop crushes on their friend's older brothers.

And I had it bad....
But memories which I would not trade for the world.
Feelings that I can still grasp and savor at this very moment.

I can recall three steamy events with the raven haired god.
Who lived and breathed in my teenage fantasies.
Fortunately, I can still blush about them.. without any feelings of shame.

The first event occured by courtesy of  Ward and June Cleaver
Whom I am sure had cleverly planned the entire happening.
As a strange feeling tells me, that they were playing Cupid.

After inviting me to an evening with the family at the boardwalk
They  magically disappeared along with Susan and her younger brother
Leaving the Raven god and myself, alone,  with the task of keeping each other entertained.

And entertained we were....... at least  I  was...
I  had it  all  that evening.. A romantic setting to fill my senses..
A handsome boy,  who rivalled all others in my heart and in my mind.

Talk about a dream come true.. a teenage fantasy if there ever was one..
I held the memory of that night in my soul for all these years... and then some..
You had to be me -  to know what I felt , that night..... for only  I  could have felt it...

Trying to explain it here, would not do it any justice.... but I will try.

It was a mildly warm evening considering it was early fall in New Jersey.
There was a cool breeze blowing off the ocean.
Walking on the boardwalk , we noticed many empty chairs on a distant pier.

His arm was around my waist, as we walked and talked.
The salt air filled my lungs.. as his handsome manhood filled my senses.
Surrounded by surf and sand and the crashing of waves.
The moanful calling of seagulls surrounded us
Yet I saw nothing but him.

As we reached the pier..He chose the "love seat"  type wooden chairs... meant for two.

Inviting me to sit with him as we overlooked  the rolling, crashing  ocean.
I could feel and taste the salty mist of the sea.

The cool breeze was giving me a chill.. even though I had a warm coat with furry hood.
He pulled me close, to keep me warm..... and warm he did....
I can still feel that first kiss..  I had waited so long for .

And the first was only a tease, for the many more kisses that followed that evening.
I still refer to that night as the Kissing Marathon.
I believe that there was not an inch of his lips or face that I did not kiss.

In his attempts to sneak more into the kiss.. I wound up getting injured.
I held my lips so tight.. to prevent a french kiss from happening.
And he kissed me so hard...... for hours.

I still remember feeling his teeth rubbing against my lips.
He was pressing so hard.... to force my lips open.
But my virgin mouth... would not allow what I was not ready for.

I went home with swollen lips..... but talk about hurt so good.
The kissing and hugging was my cup of tea.
I lost all concept of time and space that night... in his sweet lips.

And I believe that I did sport a few hickies on my neck that night.
The  very first ones of my entire life.
When I got home..... I did not even know what they were.

I often wonder what would have happened.... had I acted differently.
But rather than think of what might have been.
I   reminisce in memories so real... as just yesterday.

Talk about naiive and innocent.....
I  was all that and more.
And remain such.... to this day.... in my own special way.

The drive home that night with his parents in the front.
And He and I in the back....Was fun and exciting
as we cuddled with our little secret
Of a Kissing Marathon on the Pier in Sea Bright beach.

Much to my surprise.. that night was not the beginning of a new romance
But the end.
For I did not see Him again after that... for a very long time
Much to my disappointment.

The following summer... He took me to his junior prom...
Courtesy of June Cleaver.
His real date cancelled... and his Mom pushed for me as a replacement.
His parents were crazy about me... especially his Mom.

The Prom night was not one of those steamy occasions of my memory.
It was fun... and I felt like Cinderella  stepping out with Prince Charming.
My fairy godmother who made it all possible.. was June Cleaver herself.

After the prom.... He took me home in his sister's black mustang.
We kissed just a little in the car... and then he walked me to the door.
A treasured moment for sure... but not much to brag about.

We were both the shy type... so what can I say.
I believe I  was around 14 years old at the time.. Since I was a freshman in 9th grade.
And He was the older man... I believe a Junior (11th grade).

The theme of the prom that we attended was :  " A Knight to Remember".

I still have the charm... from that prom... a trinket to wear on a bracelet
or necklace -
Of a knight in full armor... riding upon the back of the fairytale steed.
A reminder that I really did ride in the magic pumpkin with the prince.

So I promised to tell you about other steamy tales...
And there were only two more that I can remember
But worth sharing I am sure.. in the order they happened.

This one I called..... "The Radio Affair ".
Since his radio played a significant part.
He had invited me to his room to listen to some music.

I think we kind of half listened to the music.
We started to slow dance to the melodies.
Our lips sort of found each other.... and marathon two began.

The lip to lip only ... session lasted through
"Our Day will Come." .....  "Hey Hey Paula"....
"Rhythm of the Falling Rain".... to name a few songs that I can remember.

Somehow I managed to pry loose.... and go home
With my reputation still in tact.. and with Him dazed and stunned
And me with a song in my heart.

And now the last steamy event of our short lived romance..
This is the naughty one....

By this time..... He was heavily involved with a new girl
And I was pretty much out of the picture altogether.
And I knew it.
The fast girls always seemed to win the guys. Oh Well !!!

I had been out with Susan on a Friday night.
We had been partying pretty heavy and having a great time.
I had a little too much to drink.... and was feeling very spunky.

Alcohol has always chased my shyness away
And so it did this night.
I wanted Him to know how I felt
And this time, was not afraid to show it.

And show it...... I  did....
Susan and I were giggling in the kitchen...
Raiding the refrigerator.... and cutting up...

He must have heard us, and came down stairs
To see what was going on.
Boy was he in for a surprise !!!!

Susan disappeared..... I suppose to her room
Leaving the raven god and I  alone in the kitchen.
Poor Guy.....

No one to protect him from the dizzy blonde !!!
With the 100 proof new personality .....
Little did he expect the assault that ensued ..!!

For someone else... it may have been normal.
For me..... it was borderline  assault.
I was on him,  like a  dog  on a  June Bug....
Gee......  I like that  cliche ....

Describes the event  ......  so  accurately ..
And I think I shall leave it at  that ..
I did ask him that night.... during the best part of the attack...
"Honey..... do you like me ??? "

What else could a young red blooded boy say at this point ..
I blush at his response....
Which was,  " Come up to my room and I will show you...."
The little devil !!!

But I guess I was asking for it ..
I never did make it up to his room..
But my sunglasses did..
After breaking away from his arms..

I snuck upstairs alone ..
And placed my sunglasses under his pillow..
Hell if I know why ..... I guess a subconcious desire for intimacy...
Or to create problems between Him and his new love...

And I believe it did...
Trouble in Paradise...... courtesy of the virginal tease ...
She found the sunglasses under his pillow...doing what...
I blush to think....
Unfortunately it was not quite enough to break up the pair...
But I enjoyed it immensely anyway...

So who said I was perfect ???
Just perfectly suited to these type of things.

And that was the last I ever saw of Him..
for many many years, until last year...
But the walk down memory lane has been more fun for me
than you.........   Sigh......


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