By Harem
Date: 21 March 2001


Please tell me more ,  of  what  gives  you a smile.
Brightens your day , makes your life seem  worthwhile.

Share with me please,  what gladdens your heart,
Tickles your fancy,  and  helps your day start.

And if you dare,  to trust me a bit.
We could trade stories,  over coffee  we'd  sit.

Perhaps youd desire,  to lean on me too.
Whisper your worries,  tell  what makes you blue.

We could chase rainbows, and reach for the stars.
Pretend that were aliens, that landed from mars.

Daydream together,  and look at the sky.
Eat cotton candy , as cloud puffs drift bye.

Make all our fantasies,  part of  whats real.
We could imagine,  and touch what we feel.

The ideas are endless,  the treasures in store.
I desire to know you,  Please tell me more.


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