Date: 8 March 2001

As I must

As I must

I stumble, ramble and trip
Frantically running up the worn, slate spiral stairs
Rush to gather just a few items of what I have left
Since you stole, broke and manipulated everything that has ever meant anything to me
Grabbing my arm as it reddens with pain
Pleading for me to stay
As I must
As I must
Raging to my car, gray tears filled with pain, sadness and disappointed ambitions roll
Penetrating my soul, my gut
Making me keel over in pain
As I must
As I must
Black bags of miscellaneous, displaced fractions of my life
Piled in the back of my car
As I hurriedly race from the tarred marble stairs to my sanity
Door locked, breath rapidly racing, heart pounding out of my body
As I must
As I must
The starlit bridge welcomes me
Cold, clean air fills my chest cavity
As the waves crash, salt-water aroma fills my nose
My heart stops and rests
My smile reappears
My sanity welcomes me
As I did
As I did

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