By Me aka Niki
Date: 6 March 2001

There's not much left

When he left
He didn't leave much behind
My whole world started to fall to pieces
I was falling in a dark pit
One I'm so afraid of
Because in there I feel tired, lonely, confused and scared
In there my walls don't work
And I began to fall to pieces

When he left
My days were not worth living
I started my birthday behind my computer typing a poem and crying
Because reality hit me and I got reminded that he doesn't care
X-mas just reminded me of last year
When he came around and we were playing Nintendo in my room
Me on his lap while he was tickeling my belly
Every day I have to see the spot4 I last kissed him
Everyday since he left I've cried and missed him

There's not much left
I ripped my diary apart
I burned part of my love letters
I wanted to hurt myself
I turned my back to the world
I stopped wearing the braclet he gave me
I forgot his cellnumber
I forgot his schedule

In the end
There's not much left
But a lonely scared bitter girl
Trying so hard to get over him

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