By Sarah
Date: 2 March 2001
In Spring
I waited for you to leave, and the silence to begin. I wanted the quiet to surround me, buzzing its fly in my ears. I heard the door slum, the lock turning in its shaft. Footsteps descending stairs.
I breathed.
Quiet, Myself, Sanctity.
I needed some preservation of thought. Recalling myself, from days past. When my thought were my only conversation. You repeat yourself, a twist of the head, your words, ok ok ok ok ok's all ok. I think about what if I'm pregnant, my nipples are sensitive. Ripe with blood. I wonder what it would look like if I was, and who would take it.
I yell at you in my sleep, you yell at me. Our accusations riding our dreams. I don't want to yell at you.
I don't want either of our tears to fall lonely. Maybe we're frustrated. We've been sick for weeks now.
I just know this:
I don't want to fall asleep without you next to me. I don't want to see your back turned on me. I want to see looking at me with your love, that I know is there. I know that come summer, I want to lie in the grass with you, when its laden with dew.
So wait for me, when we're reborn in spring.
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