By Du'Doll
Date: 2 March 2001

To You on Your Wedding Day

It is time to say goodbye
Our paths have run parallel until this piont
But now is the moment we separate
I fanilly found the strength to let go
And even though it is hard, my hands have unclasped your picture
Instead they now hold your hand, shaking as friends
Congratulations to you, you are now a married man
Time and distance were always our issue
Tearing us from one another, time and time again
You were always away, while I stayed at home and waited
I never dreamed that while you were gone you would find your future wife
She is perfect for you though, she is willing to serve and subject
I am glad for you, I honestly can say that now
It hurt at the time, but now I can see that she is better for you
She is your match, your other half
I wonder some times if she knows about what you and I used to be
Did you ever tell her about me and the time I wore your ring
I sent the ring to you and now it is on her finger
I must admit, it looks more at home resting beside her wedding band
There is no need for us to feel tension
I will be honest, I still care about you
Most likely I always will
I can still remember how your lips felt as they brushed against mine
I can still remember the strentgh I felt as your arms wrapped around me
I can still remember how I felt security when your hand reached out for mine
There were good times we shared together, and I will never forget them
But there are painful memories I still have trapped inside my mind
I remember when you told me that you had met the women of your dreams
The bitter coldness of your breath as you whispered goodbye in my ear
The way I watched your back disapear into the black night
The way I felt the morning after you left
But that is all in the past now
And now I am happy and content without you
You are the same but with a wife, a life partner
The love you share is special, something we never had
The Lord will bless you, and I am praying for you
May you future with your new wife be better then our past

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