By Me aka Niki
Date: 11 March 2001

How could you

Now I know all over again
Why I stopped trusting people
Why I stop dreaming
Because I knew
That everyone is capable of backstabbing
And My fairy tale dreams never come true
Now I know all over again
Why I build a wall
Because you have to protect yourself from people
That are out to win you over and then break you
Now I know all over again
Why I Stopped living
Because there's no real happy live like that

How could you?
How could you say that I act "bitchy"
I've been with one only one guy since you
How could you say that you were drunk when you kissed me
I remember
Out of nowhere you told me
"I'm not drunk"
"I know, you only drank 2 or 3 beers, why are you telling me that"
"Maybe you think that and just so you know"
You said you never had a crush on me
Why did you have to say that?
You said All kind or weird shit
I know you were asked what you thought of me and I know you had a bad day
But just don't
You said I'm nice and everything
Stuff it, I don't want to even hear it

So are you out to break me?
Because that's what it feels like
Do you have any idea
How I cried at that party last night
In the bathroom stall, on the ground, My friend holding me
Because I felt backstabbed by a friend
Because yeah, I thought you were my friend
It's true, we don't talk much these days
But before, we talked on the phone for hours
And you came by
I didn't think we were enemies
I thought I could trust you
I told you secrets
You told me secrets
Why did you have to go say those things?
You know I doubt myself, you know I hate life
You even told me when we were "friends"
So you know how this would hurt me
How could you...

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