By Du'Doll
Date: 16 March 2001


Like most girls I ask myself over and over...
"Why do I date such freaks!"
The answer to that is simple
I date men
Men are freaks
Therefore I date freaks
Why are men freaks
They want you to be open and honest
Completely up front and yet somehow reserved
But when it comes to them, they won't answer a question
They don't have to tell you everything
They rather hide all the important stuff, and make a person guess
Men are so simple it becomes complicating to understand them
Women will never comprehend their actions, or the reason behind them
Because, to be blunt, there really isn't any reason
Women use reason, they think with their heads
Men act on impulse, they think with their ______ (You fill in the rest)
The thing is
A man will never be complete without a woman
A woman will never be complete without a man
They both are made to finsh one another
To clean up after each others mistakes
Men will always be freaks
I date men
And I love them!!!!

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