By Wing
Date: 21 March 2001

An apology

I'd like to apologize for whatever sin I have committed.
It's been 8 long years since I parted from you.
It wasn't a decision made upon my own will.
But a little joke done in God's own hands.
Years passed,
And not a day I lived off without crying and thinking of you.
Love is too strong and too passionate.
Now that you're standing before me.
I wish to take those pale and ages from your face.
You were too weak to walk alone.
I wish to carry you.
It seems as if you no longer recognize me.
I kept myself good and healthy hoping to see you again someday.
And I assumed that you became too lonely over those days without me.
You let your beauty go and let it dies.
I care not whatever your appearance today may seem.
I just wish to take you back.
Without a glance, you walk out.
Except this time, I never will see you again.
This very moment, lying in the bed
Breathig my last breathe.
And I regret, forever!


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