Date: 8 March 2001

pink bow

Pink Bow

They brought me to the hospital
to a white room
to visit my mother.

I had my coloring book and my crayons
  and my drawings for her to see
  and barbies for us to play
and in her white room lots of people were standing around
and they sat me up on her bed.

Mommy had a pink bow in her hair --
a pink bow around her black ponytail
-- and I thought it was silly because
I never saw a bow in my mommy’s hair.
And I said,
“I like your bow mommy”.

I was so happy to see her.
They remember that
she didn’t take my hand
or give me a hug
or look at my drawings.
She didn’t even look down at me
when she said
“did they tell you your sister’s dead”

all I remember is
seeing her pink bow
and then they took me away.

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