By Dark Angel
Date: 7 March 2001

Whisper goodnight to the stars

Snuggle her down
and rock her to sleep
she doesn't know
the twists and turns
the side tracks
of adult love
or the detractors
we face
just to be together.

Keep her safe
and warm
and every night
before she sleeps
hug her for me
and tell her
I love her too
even if
I cannot be there
to tell her myself.

And when she is slumbering
wrap your arms
tight round your pillow
and remember my voice
on the phone
just minutes ago
and remember
the center of my heart
lies in two halves..
You and she
my Sun and my Moon
and all I hope for.

I?  I will probably cry
myself to sleep.
I will cry
like absent husbands
and fathers
have for thousands of years
and will perhaps
each night
until I have you both
safe with me again.

But for now, my love
hug her, hold her tight
and feel me holding you
and she
in the center of my heart
and whisper goodnight
to the stars.

I promise
I will hear you.

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