By B.K.
Date: 2 March 2001

Swinging Statues

When we were young
we played a game
called ‘Swinging Statue.’
The person that was ‘It,’
had to swing everyone
around three or four times
and then let go. The object
of the game was to freeze,
statue like, the exact way
you landed. Balance, was
the key here, if you moved
laughed, fell, then you were
‘It.’ If everyone froze, the
next step was scare or trick
you into moving without
touching you. Your power of
concentration, determination
kicked in here. It was always
funny to watch who got mad
when they lost control. The
ever powerful urge to win,
competition, even then. You
would try so hard not to
move. But sometimes you
had no choice, some positions
were just hard to hold. No
matter how you tried, you
had to let go, quit being
the statue and be ‘It.’


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