By Ali
Date: 23 March 2001

My Story

He was Canadian...
With eyes that went straight to my soul
That beckoned me to spill every secret that I had
And, we were friends, comfortable in eachothers' presence
So, I gladly shared my secrets with him
But, he kept most of his to himself
Must've been his Scorpian nature
Yes, he was a true Scorpio, sting and all...
There was grace, in his movements
Such grace I had never seen
There was always mischeif is his eyes
Like that of a little boy...
I felt so close to him, he made me happy
But, I can't recall exactly when, but somewhere along the line
I began to look at him as more than a friend
It was almost like I couldn't help myself
I just couldn't control my own thoughts
Then my eyes starting wandering to him, when he wasn't looking
(Or rather, when I thought he wasn't looking)
And I started saying things that I knew I shouldn't be saying
Not to him...
And suddenly, I realized that he was looking at me differently
And he was saying things that he so should not have said
Not to me...
So, we would flirt, back and forth
Testing water that we were bothe afraid to venture into
But, there was a pull, a force, that kept us trying, testing
Then came a day that is etched, engraved in my mind
Every detail, every feeling
The dam finally broke, his resistance, his restraint snapped
And he kissed me...
I swear that my world started to spin
And everything just got strangly quiet
I couldn't move
I was scared, I was shocked
I was happy...
The next time I saw him, he apologized
Which was so very sweet, but unneccessary
For, in truth, I had longed for that kiss
I told him that I wasn't sorry
So, he shouldn't be
But, we just went back to flirting
And I started to miss him more, when he wasn't around
I don't think he ever really knew how much
I fell in love with him, he had to have known that...
Then one day, after not having seen eachother, for two weeks
(The longest two weeks of my life, or so it seemed to me at the time)
He came around...
Greeted me with this huge, heart-warming hug
"I really missed you," he whispered softly, in my ear
I missed him so much...
And then, he kissed me again
Why is it that I can still remember his kiss?
The warmth, the taste, the pressure, all linger
Waking me, sometimes, in the middle of the night...
But...a month after that kiss, after all those afternoons
Talking, laughing...
He broke my heart...shattered it, beat it, burnt it
And he's been long gone for a while now
Yeah, I still miss him, because I cared for him
And I know that I shouldn't miss him...shouldn't worry if he's alright or not
If he's happy or sad, lonely or in good company
I shouldn't care...but, the point is, I do
And that is my story

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