By Ali
Date: 16 March 2001


Afraid and feeling frail
I am collapsed, here...
There is an eerie silence about this place, today
And I do not like the feel of it
My hands will not cease their shaking
I am uneasy...
The clouds are rolling in, darkening the sky
Maybe it's just the weather?
No...that isn't it
But, what is this feeling?
I do not see reason for this cold dread, this chilling fear
And I know not what to do, for it simply will not quite
I feel that I am on the verge of tears, for no reason at all
I worry...I fear
I fear for you
For the last time I felt like this, something awefull happened to you
God, I am afraid, so very afraid
With nothing to do but sit and wait
For whatever is to come
These minutes drag by slowly, kicking and screaming
I am so uneasy...
What can this mean?

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