By *~BW~*
Date: 17 March 2001

You wouldn’t understand

Why would you ever treat my like this?
What have I done to deserve it?
I hate you so much whenever you’re with someone else
But a soon as you turn and smile my words just melt
I despise you when u don’t talk to me
And yet I worship the ground you step on
I hope you drop dead if you dare to walk away
And still my day would be miserable without you
You can say a bunch of lies, 
And I’ll believe them if you look into my eyes
But when I realize they were untrue I’m after your head
Your voice is like a curse to my ears
It can have my heart jumping with joy
Or aching with agony 
Sometimes I feel like I’m too good for you
Sometimes I feel I’m not enough for you
I feel miserable if you’re not around
But I can’t stand you being next to me all day
I feel weak if you call my name
And I detest you when you don’t
I admire how you can forgive al I’ve said and done
And I loathe the way you confuse me
Not even I understand why I want you dead or alive

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