By Smiling Kat
Date: 13 March 2001

Where Did My Friend Go?

My heart was broken when I heard the words,
I never thought I'd fit the pieces together again,

But time has come and time has gone,
And the pieces are slowly being mended,

I really meant it when I 
Said that I still want to be friends,

I know everything is different now,
and we can never go back,

I will always have the memories,
And that may have to be enough,

But why do we seem like strangers now?
When we shared so much of ourselves.

It's like we have something to hide,
Or maybe something to forget?

I can still look you in the eyes, 
But why do your eyes stray?

Yeah, you tore my heart apart,
But I've learned to forgive,

We may not ever be as close as we were,
But I miss being able to look into your eyes,

And know exactly how you're feeling.
Where did my friend go?

You seem so different.
Or maybe I've changed.

I can see so much more now.
My eyes have been opened.

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