By Elaina
Date: 22 March 2001


I don't want to care,
but I do. I try and
tell myself I've done
all I can. You're beyond
saving. It's been almost
four weeks now and not
a word have you spoken
to me. Until today. Why.
Can't you see I'm already
tired and wounded. I'm
sorry all I could say
was don't touch me, but
I meant it. I don't need
this, I don't want you.
You seem happy in your
new little exitance, and
I in mine. My wonderland
without you. I'm chasing
a new rabbit now. And I've
already passed the mad hatter.
So don't ask me questions
when I know you don't care,
and don't you dare try and
be my friend, because that
chance has passed us by.
I took your advice, when you
don't care it's much easier
not to get hurt. So I'll
ignore the problem...eventually
it'll go away, and I'll awake
far away from my wonderland,
and I won't look back.

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