By Angeli
Date: 23 January 2001
My Butterfly
The day you flew away
My tears were flowing like the sea
I needed you so desparately, you were my reason for being
Yet you chose for us to stay apart (with good reason)
Every single agonizing second of the day.
There came a day when we were in touch again
Our friendship blossomed and became so beautiful.
Every word spoken and un-spoken felt like bliss
But alas, life took it's bitter, twisted turns.
We were prized apart from what little we could share
That distressing day, Fate was so cruel and un-forgiving
My essence cried again, this time a Million tears inside me
I now know that your grief surpassed mine
You had to give up the one thing that you found so precious
Now, My Butterfly, life has been kind enough...
Allowing us to share many a special moment together again
Only circumstances and a cruel, heartless world keep us apart
From being Together, Forever.
Our Destinies Brutally torn.
One Day, we both pray, in Heaven or on Earth....
We will encompass our dreams together
As we were meant to be
One True Love in One Lifetime
Our hearts will find their way home again, As One
The sweet melodies will flow within our spirits and souls
Instead of haunting us with the words
"I Wish I Could Turn Back The Hands Of Time"
In the meantime, I will quote:
"I Look into your Angel eyes & know fully that you still care for me"
I Love You, Un-conditionally......
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