By Ken H
Date: 29 January 2001

A day in love

Perhaps this is something of a beautiful moment for a beautiful woman, who needs to be so deservedly loved and only mean something to her from the man able to see and realise how  lovely she is, how desirable she is...... how beautiful she really is.......
Sometimes he calls her  "snowflake",  for when he thinks of the times she has spent with him, when she kisses him, he feels his mind melt, like snow against a warm window, as it melts and gently  trickles down the glass.....  he goes about his work  thinking of her at every chance, its such a wonderful feeling, that he really looks forward to the long hours spent driving at work, when his hearts desire can fill his mind of  her.... her face, her smile, her long flowing hair, her voluptuous body... oh! how he wants to ravish her !!! .......... sometimes he sees such  lovely places on his travels that he wishes she could be with him, lovely places to be admired together,  a snowy mountain, where the clouds seem to touch ,caressing  the slopes over looking a small village, bathed in sunshine,  built near a river along side a tree lined lane the small footpath covered in leaves , a place where her loveliness deserves to become one with the surroundings .............. if  only his wishes could be answered and they were together each day, missing her so much lies heavy in his heart,  a heart that beats away counting the time until their next encounter, it can stop then if it wants,  capturing the moment in time, for to be in her arms, feeling her hold him close are now so  few  they are treasured more than life itself , special passionate meeting of two people so in love,  where their love for each other binds them together  becoming one like petals on a flower closing together in the night air,.............
The phone rings!!!!  suddenly the calm beating of his heart races ,sending a rush to his mind  like a rocket to the moon ....this could be her calling, to tell him about her day,  but now its late in the night and she calls to wish him goodnight. "sweet dreams"... " special " he hears her voice, its so warming  that  its gives him a real cosy feeling each word send tingles through him embracing all his senses as if they are snuggling up together for the night ahead,  "goodnight, I love you" he replies.
He loves her so much he believes she can hear his calls to her across the night sky "sleep well my little fluffy lamb" before he drifts off to sleep ."I love you"

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