By Gala
Date: 1 January 2001

When The Heart Decides

we expect the big moments of our lives
to arrive like the burning bush
in a Cecil B. De Mille extravaganza,
so there is no mistaking
when a change has been made
that will change us forever.
But that is a lie.
It's small changes,
minute things that alter our worlds,
and our hearts
beyond recognition.
The very first i love you
spoken with quiet convicition,
a baby's first coo,
the last breath
of a heart you dearly love---
such little things---
but immense in their way---
life changing,
soul sorting,
significant, if only to us.
And there is that moment
when the heart decides
quietly sets you on your path
without fanfare, or trummpets.
So subtle,
that half the time
we cannot even recall the instant.
We will remember the conflict,
the weighing,
the whole process of decision
but almost never recognise
the moment when the heart decides.
Lucky...I was paying attention
the moment my heart spoke your name
so softly
but in a way that brooked no argument.
For once,
the cacaphony of my days
did not drown out
the most important second
i have ever known.
And the heart decides.

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