By TheDubalPoet
Date: 28 January 2001

A Prisoner of Lies

Free as a Hawk
Trapped as a Bird
Constantly on the prowl; you are the prey
The enemy feeding you false freedom
Eventually leading to burning
Sin has chained your hurting heart
And to it you are prisoner
Fighting for peace
Its torture is everlasting

But on this unfair battlefield
Is one who never rests
who has already payed the debt
And to you are the lies fed
That your wild manor
could not be handled by such a love
However, he is worthy beyond all others
Jesus is the one who makes and crushes every rock
His love is like flame burning the deepest of desire
Its peace pierces even the toughest of fortresses
And will transform you with happiness
He waits upon your step
Never retreating.... will you answer his knock?

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